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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"War Room: Prayer is a Powerful Weapon" by Chris Fabry, book review

Yes, War Room is fiction, yet bursting with truth! Miss Clara was fixing to sell her home and move in to an apartment her son had made for her. As a widow, she knew the heartache of a military family. Although Clara had no concept of military warfare, she did know another conflict. It is the battlefield for the human heart. With years of being on the front line of life, she knew real challenge and change happened deep in the soul. Enter Elizabeth, the realtor; Miss Clara becomes a mentor to Elizabeth.

After seeing the movie three times and reading the book, I will not give away the plot. Find this for yourself. My plan is to just highlight a few of my favorite narratives:

Page 105, Clara tells of family fights with no resolution. “I was fighting against my own marriage and my family. I tried for years to fix…I couldn’t…” answer, “Cause it’s not your job!...” Read the rest of the page to learn YOUR job
Page 123, Miss Clara was a prayer warrior. She had her own prayer closet. Prayer is not for her only; everyone has the power to talk with God.

Page 126, the purpose of prayer is not to get what we want. “Prayer changes the person who prays.” Clare presents family examples.

Page 127-128, “When we pray, we participate in what God is doing. He gets the glory, and we get the privilege of walking with Him, and in that process we are changed.” Philippians 2, “The goal of prayer is not to change God’s mind about what you want. The goal of pray is to change your own heart, to want what He wants, to the glory of God.”

Page 218, “His [God] goal is to make me holy, like His Son.”

Page 284, “If God knows everything and if He’s working out His will in the world, what’s the point [of prayer]?” Read the author’s answer!

Page 145, focus on the real enemy, “Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And he is stealing your joy, killing your faith, and trying to destroy your family.”

Page 325-326, talking about the purpose of Jesus death, “He [God] snatched victory from the enemy and provided salvation for anyone who would call on the name of the Lord….”

So many narratives spoke to my heart, such as pages 107-108, 182, 202 feelings, 237, 267, 295, 302 Bartimaeus, 306 voices, and 311 God is our anchor. What words are speaking to YOUR heart? How about sending an email or contact me on Facebook, Selma Blackmon, we can share our thoughts.

War Room: Prayer is a Powerful Weapon.Chris Fabry novelized the motion picture by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick. The book is published by Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois.

Excellent book and movie! Recommend for every family. Purchase a copy and watch or read often!

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