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Monday, September 30, 2013

Conflict and Frustration? Christ is our answer

Conflict and Frustration

Conflict and Frustration

Does this sound familiar?

This happens when a person depends upon his/her own strength to cope with present pressures and past rejections.

People are a three-part whole.
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)

We are a SPIRIT (Determines Our Identity), who has a SOUL (Personality) with a MIND (Thinker), EMOTIONS (Feeler), and WILL (Chooser), and lives in a BODY (Dwelling) that includes Speech, 5 Senses and Action.

Conflict and Frustration
Conflict and Frustration

Does this still sound familiar?

Ø  This may be due to our mind having a distorted view of God, self and others.
Ø  This may be due to our emotions dictating our actions.
Ø  This may be due to our will choosing to depend on the flesh instead of God.

God loves us enough to do what it takes to reveal our dependence on the flesh, so that we will be ready to exchange it (flesh) for His life.

The Exchanged Life
“All Things”
Romans 8:28
Ø  MIND being renewed to Truth Romans 12:2
Ø  EMOTIONS gradual healing
Psalm 23:3
Ø  WILL chooses to depend on Christ Romans 13:14

Christ living His life through us is victorious living!!!
Romans 15:18

Ephesians 3:20

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