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Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Thy Hidden Ones" by Jessie Penn-Lewis

The Hidden Ones by Jessie Penn-Lewis

Gleanings from Chapter 22

Leaning on the Beloved

   “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved?” (Song of Songs 8:5)
   “A pause, and again the daughters of Jerusalem exclaimed. ‘Who is this?’ as they behold the hidden one emerging from her time of rest in the Well-Beloved’s care. They see her now leaning upon her Beloved, for she has learned that she can only keep in step with Him as she leans upon Him every moment in utter dependence and helplessness.
   It is possible that in the activity of service, pressed on every hand by the claims of ‘open doors’ or by the gathering in of  ‘precious fruits,’ she had failed to keep sacred her hours of waiting on her Lord.
   In the full assurance of union with Him, and in the abundance of His life working through her, she may have thought that He would supply her need and renew her strength in the midst of busy service. This He never fails to do when the ‘claims’ are real needs; but warped and unreasonable ‘claims’ come that are not of Him: ‘souls’-who seek to draw nourishment from the earthen vessel instead of from God Himself; ‘questions’-from hearts that should learn to trust and not attempt to trace the dealings of God until He pleases to reveal His purposes; ‘calls’-from Christians who have sought guidance after making their own plans! All these things come to those who faithfully seek to be the ‘servants of all.’
   The ‘hidden one’ must learn that the pressure of the needs of others, fancied or real, must never intrude upon the sacred hours of waiting on the Lord. Active service especially demands these times alone with God. The Master needed them, for do we not read: ‘Great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed…But He withdrew Himself in the deserts, and prayed’ (Luke 5:15-16)?
   In the face of all the real needs, He withdrew! Nay, child of God, it is not waste of time; it is economy, for our service is fruitless without the full power of His abundant life, which must be renewed at His feet day by day.
   As soon as there is a sense of ‘pressure,’ it is all important that we should get alone with God. The ‘claims’ may make this seem impossible, but He can make the way clear if we know our need and are willing to retire from the vineyards as soon as we hear His call-leaving His work to Him who is alone responsible, recognizing that He is in control…
   ‘Leaning upon her Beloved!’
   To bring the soul to entire reliance and dependence upon Him is ‘the end of the Lord’ (James 5:11)-the purpose of His varied dealings, whether in the ‘valley’ or on the ‘mountaintop.’
   ‘Leaning upon the Beloved!’ This is the outcome of the life of union-what life more simple or more blessed! In this privileged position the hidden one comes forth to renewed service and activity. ‘Leaning upon her Beloved’ to be taught by Him.”
   Next the author writes about the Well-Beloved’s instructions concerning the earthen vessel and concerning the jealousy of God. Jessie Penn-Lewis also writes about our communion with the Well-Beloved, the King’s business and the King as counselor.

   If this book had not come so highly recommended by Marie Hearn, I would not have committed to reading it. My understanding of word pictures in abstract thinking is very challenged. Many times I prayed, “Lord Jesus please make sense out of what I am reading.” (Matt. 7:7) Jesus Christ met and exceeded all of my desires to know Him more intimately.

   Jessie Penn-Lewis has presented scripture is such a way that the reader wants to continue digging and learning so as to know Christ personally and not just about Christ.

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